App Studio Find Results Pane

The Find Results Docking Pane displays the results of a text search of your Scripts, made using the Find options, where you request a search for all occurrences of the specified text. The Find Results Pane is one of the App Studio main window docking panes.


The Find options allow you to search your Scripts for a specified text string. These options are only available when editing a Script and can be accessed from the Edit group of the Home tab on the Ribbon or by right-clicking on the Script edit dialog box.

The Find options allow you to choose between searching the Current Script, the Current Form, All Open Forms and All Forms.

If after specifying the scope of the required search, you then choose the Find All button, the results will be displayed in the Find Results Pane. If this pane is currently hidden, performing a search will automatically redisplay the pane.

You can display any of the search results by double-clicking on the item within the Find Results Pane. The relevant Script will be displayed in the Workspace with the cursor displayed on the line containing the found text. If the Script edit dialog box is closed, it will be opened before displaying the text.

You can also move through your search results using the buttons within the Find Results Pane:

Picture showing button used to highlight currently selected result in the Script. Display currently selected result.

Picture showing button used to highlight the previous result in the Script. Previous result.

Picture showing button used to highlight the next result in the Script. Next result.

Picture showing button used to clear the Find Results Pane. Clear Find Results Pane.


You can change the order of rows in the list by clicking on the column headings to sort the rows in ascending or descending order based on the contents of the column clicked. Clicking once on a column heading will arrange the rows in ascending order, click a second time to arrange in descending order. Thereafter, clicking on the column heading will toggle between ascending and descending order. Click on a different column heading to change the sort criteria used to display the rows.